Sunday, June 17, 2007

We Learn As They Grow

Thinking about Father's Day today, I couldn't help think about how much we learn as our kids grow. I remember how scared Steven was about being a new Dad. As women, we experience the growth of a new family differently than a man. By and large, based upon speaking with men I know, most all of them are afraid when they found out they are going to be a parent. They asked how they will be as a Dad, how they can support a family, what will they do when she wants to date?!? Steven was like those guys. But one thing that I knew then, and what I know for sure now, is that Steven is a great Dad! When I am impatient, he is patient. When I am weak, he is strong. When she hurts, you can see it in his eyes how much it hurts and upsets him. Watching him be a Dad has been one of my life's greatest pleasures, and a source of great pride for me. Steven is the most moral and steadfast guy I know, and Madeline knows she can count on her Daddy. She does this little quiz thing, who do I love the most? Daddy! Mommy! Who loves me most? Daddy! Mommy!

What a wonderous gift a family is, and how blessed am I to have such a strong life partner. I have always told Steven that I thank God every day for sending him to me. Today I thank him once again for the most wonderful of gifts, the love of a good man and such a good example for my sweet baby girl!


Unknown said...

Oh, I love all the old pictures! Madeline has a sweet daddy.

We were cleaning out closets last week, and found all these CUTE pics of Madeline. I kept yelling to Mark, "Oh, you have to come look at this one!"

Windsor House said...

Well written comments and very true. We are very glad that Steven is our son-in-law. We are very proud of him!
We are blessed with a wonderful family.