Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eleven Years Old!!!

So much time has passed! 
So, a brief recap:
Since our last post we have gone to 16732 soccer games, 8273 basketball games, bowling league, volleyball camp, conservation camp, soccer camp, a billion practices, fun trips to the cabin at the lake, camp with the family, and an absolutely fabulous Fall vacation to Cocoa Beach.  Things are a blur at times, running to this and that, but our lives are basically the same, jobs, school and house have not changed since our last post.  Our girl continues to GROW at an amazing speed, and is now an Eleven year old Tween :-)

What does Madeline Love at Eleven?

1) Soccer
2) Fun with friends including many sleep overs
3) Basketball
4) Let's just go with all sports in general - not to watch them on TV, just to actually play them
5) Reading - she is quite proud to tell you that she has more AR points than any other 5th Grader at her school.
6)  Harry Potter - so much that we went to Universal Studios and visited the Harry Potter World there and obtained a special Wand from Ollivander himself
7)  Drawing all things, particularly animals, more particularly wolves for some reason
8) Staying Up Late
9) Going to Grandma and Grandpa's house after school
10) Going to Granddaddy & Nana's house for the day
11) Music - particularly Adele
12) Shopping at the Mall - particularly eating Chinese in the Food Court and buying things at Justice
13) Her Mom & Dad - thank goodness she still gives us love notes on a regular basis
14) Stuffed Animals - not sure how many of those we have
15) Warm blankets
16) Wearing shorts no matter how cold it is outside
17) Building sand castles with her Dad
18) Video Games
19) Macaroni and Cheese
20) Notebooks to write stories in
21) Bubble Baths
22) Good Luck Charlie
23) School

It is wonderful to be the parents of a 5th Grader - she's old enough now to have long talks, to give big hugs, and to clean up after herself, but not old enough yet for rebellion from parents and dating :-)