Tuesday, November 01, 2011

An Interview with Madeline - Ten Years Old

Me:  Now you are ten years old and in Fourth Grade - what do you think about that?

Mad:  Why? 

Me:  So we can record your thoughts....

Mad:  Well, I think week-ends are the best part about it, but I like school.

Me:  What do you like to do on the week-ends?

Mad:  Play sports - do random stuff - be home - relax - play with friends

Me:  What do you like at school?

Mad:  Reading, art, play the recorder

Me:  What sport do you like best?

Mad:  Basketball and soccer, it's hard to choose

Me:  What is your favorite food right now?

Mad:  Are you kidding?  Macaroni and cheese

Me:  What do you want to do when you grow up?

Mad:  Write stories, illustrate books

Me:  Do you want to be a Mom when you grow up?

Mad:  I'll have to be...

Me:  How many kids do you want?

Mad:  Two, or probably just one

Me: What do you like about me?

Mad:  That you are you!

Me:  What about Dad?

Mad:  That he is Dad of course.

Not sure she's in the mood for the interview since she just walked off.....


Fun times, Halloween with the cousins.....

Tenth Birthday

As amazing as it may be (to us at least) our girl is TEN years old!  Yes, that is right, she has reached the advanced age of one decade.  She is at a sweet in-between age right now.  She thinks she is big, and was quite concerned about looking good in her outfit that day, but still ran around like crazy at the zoo on her her actual Birthday.

According to this sign at the Zoo, she is the perfect size for a 10 year old Kid...

They may be big, but they still ran to play in the playground :-)

They loved the animals, who were quite active that day thanks to the cooler weather.

Such sweet, beautiful besties they are!