Saturday, July 12, 2008

Swimming Lesson Success

Our little girlie who was afraid to jump off the side two weeks ago is now a swim lesson star! She passed to the next level, and surprised everyone Friday night by putting her hands out like she was going to actually dive off the board instead of just jumping in. She didn't jump toward the instructor either! I'm not sure if you can see in this picture, but the instructors were all shocked :-) Click on the picture to make it larger - the shocked looks are worth checking out...


Unknown said...

Go Madeline, go! We are so proud of all that you learned.

Windsor House said...

Good for her! We are very proud of her and love her very much.

Angela and Jay said...

Yea! Good job Madeline! It's so fun to watch your child learn new things. :-)

Our Family said...

How brave she is!!! Good Job, Madeline!

Eva and Sara