Monday, February 25, 2008

The Wonder Years

Sometimes when I am all wrapped up in something silly like my hair, how I am going to get all of my errands done, or what's for dinner, I forget that these are the wonder years.... those sweet days where my little one thinks I am the greatest person in the world. At bedtime tonight she snapped me right into the moment when she said "I wish I could give you a million kisses and more hugs than ever!" Someone remind me of this when she slams the door in my face when she's 14 - I'll need it!

Also, I need to put out there in cyberspace that my Hubby doesn't seem to know it, but he is a wonderful man, and a supportive loving husband and Daddy. I am one lucky woman.


Angela and Jay said...

It's SO easy to get busy and take the little moments for granted. What a sweet thing for Madeline to say!

I had one of those moments today when Laney wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and gave me a big hug!

BTW, I like your hair! :-)

Our Family said...

I completly agree. It is good that you had that moment with Madeline, it will hopefully stick with you and her when she is 14 and slamming doors~maybe the door won't slam quit as hard.

Eva and Sara