Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our Sunday Activities

Hello all - we had a great day today - we worked around the house quite a bit and made a mural on our retaining wall with sidewalk chalk and paint. Campbell came over to play, which was a blessing and gave me time to pull the multitude of weeds out of a little spot behind my house that I wanted to plant some tomatos in. It took me two whole hours to pull the weeks out, then I planted three tomatos and a little hill of cucumbers. All because my Crepe Myrtle seems to be coming back to life after the big freeze, so I am babying it and maybe will grow a tomato or two in the meantime. We'll see if I can get them to live! Madeline had a big bubble bath, you can enjoy a pic of that above, and then we had grilled chicken and salad, and we are headed off to bed. Monday tomorrow!

I also wanted to say that I learned something major about family on Friday. Actually I already knew, but I had a reminder. We had a HORRIBLE meeting with the Clay County prosecutor (I can't say horrible enough). It made me almost ashamed to be an attorney, although I don't treat people that way EVER, but it made me PROUD to be a Baker. They stood strong, asked good questions, and did not let anyone intimidate them. I love them all more than I could possibly tell them, but I hope that in some way my actions showed them. That's all I'll say about that meeting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the garden mural! Hope your veggies grow.

I am glad that you went to that meeting. How disheartening that it was so horrible.