Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

We had a great Valentine's Day! Steven sent me some absolutely beautiful roses, which once again reminded me how wonderful he is to me :-) Madeline and I went to Windsor Gardens and she sang songs with the rest of her church group and then delivered Valentines to the residents. She said "I feel sorry for them because they are so old and alone here with no presents", so I think it was a great experience for her. I, of course, did not have my camera, which I seem to do at special moments like that! I am hoping to get a copy of Margaret's video, so if I get that I will share it here. Then we came home and opened some presents. The one you see here is Mom and Dad's gift. All in all it was a great day. Now I need to be working, but I am procrastinating as usual! Hope you had a great day!


Unknown said...

Cute pictures! I am so proud of Madeline for spending time at the nursing home. That is so mice!


Anonymous said...


Grandpa and I are so proud of you for singing for the nice people at the nursing home and giving them valintines. That was a really sweet thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Hoops! Grandma can't type in the dark.
