Saturday, May 03, 2008

Derby Fun

Derby Day is always a great day, whether it's a beautiful Spring day like today was, or whether it is snowing like it has in a couple of years past that I recall. Such a spectacle with the hats, the horses, the race track fun make it one of my favorite days every year. Plus I think it's a little like Christmas in that remembering Derbies past seems to be one of people's favorite Derby Party things to do - "one Derby when I was in the infield...." seems to be the beginning of many a crazy story people love to tell. I'll spare you the stories (and I do have a few - Dad, remember the year we went in the fancy outfits?). Anyway, maybe it's the Eight Belles thing that has me all sentimental. This year was as fun as any - we went to the Hite party, which is always a big thing. The thing I'll remember about the party this year was the wind! It seemed that the tent we were under was literally going to blow away! I didn't get many pictures due to that - a lot of the time was spent in the garage. I wasn't a winner, but Steven was, so I think we came out OK :-) I LOVE SPRING!


Unknown said...

It looks like a fun day. The Derby is such a neat event. Makes me proud to be a Kentuckian.

Windsor House said...

These are very good pictures. I agree the Derby is a day that all Kentuckians can be proud of. I do remember going with my girls to the derby! Glad you guys had a good Derby party. Since Steven was the winner all day does that mean he is buying dinner:)
Love You
Dad and Mom Asher

Our Family said...

Love all the pictures, you have done a lot of updating since I last stopped by. It is sad about the horse. She is running, Madeline, wild and free

Eva and Sara