Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa Came!

So many pictures, yet so few!

Santa came to our house last night, and Madeline sure enjoyed her presents this morning :-) It has been a wonderful Christmas overall, and the Santa gifts were no exception. We all enjoyed it. Then we had a fabulous day with my end of the family, although somehow I didn't get even one picture! We opened gifts at Mom and Dads, then came here for a great meal with Steven's Prime Rib as the center piece. It was a blessing to all be together, and to have Bridget with us as well. I thank all of you for a super day!


Unknown said...

Santa was REALLY good to Madeline! What fun stuff!

We had fun having Christmas dinner at your place! We love you!

Windsor House said...

Santa was good to all. We enjoyed having you guys over to open presents. Dinner was super!!
Love You