Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Family Christmas Fun

We have had an absolutely wonderful Christmas this year! I have tons more pictures to post, but I thought I'd do them one event at a time. First we went to the cabin and my Mamaw's for Christmas, and we had a great time. What a lovey fun family I am blessed to have! I got tons of love and kisses, but unfortunately did not capture any of them on my own camera because I didn't take it down.

Rebecca, Mark and Sophia were with us, and it was great to be able to spend time with them. Sophia is a total cutie, so cute in fact that Madeline was interested in her, which is unusual. Generally she completely ignores babies until they are old enough to walk and talk :-)

When we got home, we opened our presents that we got for each other, which worked out really well. Everyone was happy as you can see from the pictures. Steven LOVES his guitar, and while I won't post an actual picture of it here, I LOVE my new engagement ring setting! Steven and I decided that this year we would buy each other special gifts because our 10 year wedding anniversary is in April. As all of you married folks know, marriage is a journey, and if you've made it to 10 years, you have done a lot of the things you promised you'd do. We've certainly had good times (see photos above) and bad, sickness and health in the last 10 years! So, my engagement ring grew up, because our love grew! It was wonderful to see Steven so excited, honestly one of the things that I love most about him is that he's like a kid when it comes to his toys! Now, I am waiting for Madeline to wake up and see what Santa brought......

We had a ton of fun with Steven's family last night, and those pictures will be posted soon....


Unknown said...

So fun! I love that you had a special family night before Santa visited. It looks like lots of fun. Your ring is gorgeous and Steven's guitar is very cool. Maybe he'll play us a tune today?

Windsor House said...

Christmas is a very special time of the year and you (we) are so blessed. We are looking forward to Christmas dinner and "Chef Steven's" prime rib.
Love you guys