Thursday, July 09, 2009

4th of July

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I'm having a lot of problems with posting for some reason - I may have to email blogger? The one pic that I was able to get on today is a picture of our tent - we had fun! The tent was a good family experience. As I've told some, I don't see me becoming an enthusiast per se, but I would (and probably will) do it again sometime :-)

The rain - my goodness it rained this 4th! We basically stood in the rain all day waiting for dark so we could have the family fireworks show again. The fireworks show did not disappoint - it was fabulous! And, Madeline had a great time making mud pies and otherwise simply running around in the rain.

I'll post more as soon as I figure out what is going on here... anyone have a theory? I was only able to post the one picture by using picasa, and that would only let me do one at a time.


Unknown said...

Not sure what is up. Not having problems here.

The camping sounds fun. You are SUPER mom for camping when it is not your thing!

Glad you guys had fun.

Janie said...

It's all about the girl! And it was fun, we got lucky the first night and had perfect weather for it... not too hot, not too cold :-)

Windsor House said...

You may need to look at the "customize" section. I was having some difficulty but made a few changes and it seems to work better. Glad you had a great time at the camp.
Love you