Saturday, May 09, 2009

A Day in this Mother's Life

We celebrated Mother's Day today by hanging out together - what a great a great day! We had a soccer game first, then we planted our mini garden, followed by some doggie parachuting, some bowling, then a movie. It was exactly what every Mother wants - a happy day with her family doing fun relaxing stuff (no laundry)!

This is the awesome home made candle Madeline gave me for Mother's Day. I have to say I'm loving the candle, and the new camera that took this great picture!

Madeline displaying her game winning bowling style (those gutter guards help just a little :-)

The doggie parachute was a success - the test doggie was not injured, and all tricks were performed in a safe humane manner :-)

I planted my little garden - two tomato plants, a green pepper bush and a cucumber :-)

Madeline ("The Keeper") stopping an attempt at a goal


Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day! Looks like you guys had fun. Love that little candle. :-)

Windsor House said...

Good for her! She is a good goal keeper.

Windsor House said...

And Happy Mothers Day to you Janie, you are a good mom!