Sunday, September 23, 2007

Picture I stole from Tony

Our friend Tony is living basically an opposite life from ours. While we are here happily doing the parent thing, he is in Europe living the single life travelling around doing what he wants to do (mostly sampling beer and sausages it seems from his blog). He recently has been in Madrid, Spain, and wrote a long post about bull fighting. But, mixed in with his pictures of the Matadors and bulls was this beautiful picture that struck me. I hope you enjoy it, too and that he doesn't mind me stealing it!

This is off the topic, but I am watching a show called "Hillbilly" on the History Channel, and I just looked up and saw a beautiful mountainside. I know I didn't grow up there, but when I see those scenes it makes me think of home....


Unknown said...

He is certainly having an amazing experience. Good for him!

Windsor House said...

Neat picture. Germany is a very nice place to visit. A lot of the old blended with all the modern conveniences. I would like to go back. Janie, you are a German by birth you know. We have the German birth certificate to prove it. Do you have a copy? If not we need to get you one.

-Tony said...

I don't know that I'm living a life any more opposite than I did while I was in Kentucky. Our paths may have crossed more often then, but I told you you're welcome to come over here anytime. Tell Steven that the blutwurst is on me, maybe that will convince him.

-Tony said...

...and I'm drinking wine too.