Sunday, September 30, 2007

Dollhouse in Progress

Before Madeline was born I bought a dollhouse kit, and got started on it, but when Madeline was born I put it away and didn't work on it for six years. Now that she is bigger and slightly more patient I have gotten it out and have been working on it. I've made quite a bit of progress in the last couple of weeks, and should be able to put the roof on soon. Madeline thinks it should be finished already of course!

Speaking of Madeline, she's been with Mom and Dad this week-end, and I am sure she's had a great time. She is on Fall Break this week, and will have a couple of young teen babysitters, so I'm sure she'll have a fabulous time! I am off with her next week, so I need to come up with something fun to do with her that is close to home and doesn't cost a fortune. (Unless of course Sophia comes, in which case we'll get to Atlanta somehow :-)


Unknown said...

What a fun project! I am impressed. You are really building it from the ground up. You'll have to keep us caught up with pics.

Have fun on Madeline's fall break.

Windsor House said...

Very nice, I am sure Madeline will love it. Glad you had a nice weekend. Janet and I sure enjoyed Madelines visit to the cabin.