So I've made it no secret that I enjoy Madeline's soccer. As a person who never had one ounce of success in sports, it is fun for me to see her thrive. She has never backed down from a challenge in the game, and hopefully will never experience the shame of being the last kid chosen for a team (which I remember with painful clarity). This season has been a good one for her - her team didn't win every game, but she learned a lot, scored some, assisted friends, had a great kind coach, and all in all had a great time. Good memories were made.... and that other important lesson - how to lose with grace was also learned. Her team plays tomorrow in the semi finals, then we're done until March. She now has 7 soccer medals :-)

So cool! I love it. Wish I could have seen a game.
I am so happy that Madeline is playing soccer and to see that she enjoys it! Its super that her team won and that she played well. Looking forward to seeing her play again.
It is great to see her enjoying it so much. Also feels good as a parent to see her success.
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