Friday, December 24, 2010

Noelle the Elf

This post is from Madeline:

This is my Elf, Noelle.  She is a really nice elf.  Santa sent her to watch over me.  She really likes to eat crackers.  Every night she moves somewhere silly.  The first night she hung upside down on the Christmas tree.  She also swung from the ceiling fan.  She sat in the wreath in the kitchen, she took a joy ride in a low rider with Santa, she got in a bowl of marshmallows, she toilet papered my Christmas Tree and made a giant pile of cans.  I've had a ton of fun with her and I'm sad she's leaving today. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Holiday Spirit

Steven, Madeline and I have had a great day full of the best of the holiday spirit..... no stress, no spending tons of money, no trying to impress.  Just loving time with each other making creative decorations!  This is what being a Family is all about!  Next Steven is going to fry chicken and Mom & Dad are coming over for dinner.  Love it!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

My Senses

What I hear right now - Steven playing guitar downstairs (The House of the Rising Sun), Madeline blowing a penny whistle, tapping keys on my keyboard.

What I smell right now - ham from dinner, scented candle.

What I see right now - darkness outside with a light now falling through window, Madeline with a bunch of toy animals around her, which she has had since she was probably three years old, but still plays with.

What I'm able to touch right now .... flannel pajamas, the keyboard, my blanket, wooden Noah's Ark

What I taste right now.... yummy hot chocolate that my Bro in Law kindly bought for me

What I feel right now.... the loving embrace of home and family.

What am I thankful for?  A life of bounty, the love of my family, and God's forgiveness of my many sins and indiscretions.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christmas Crafts and Winter Sports

We've had a great Saturday today, making crafts and going to basketball.  Madeline started making a wreath during Fall Break in Atlanta, using Weeping Willow branches from Mark and Rebecca's tree.  We saved the wreath, and added a bit of Christmas cheer today.  We were quite proud of ourselves!  The two of us are not the craftiest pair in the world, so this was quite the accomplishment.  So, I took her pic and she took mine :-)  So, if you come by, keep in mind that we crafted this thing all by ourselves....

Soccer ended, basketball is well under way.... Madeline seems to love it!  Her team has won all of it's games so far, and she has scored a basket or too.  Fun times all around :-)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

On Veteran's Day I wanted to take a moment to recognize the hard work and sacrifices of all of those who wear the uniform, and all of their families who sacrifice right along with them.  I enjoy peace, the ability to pursue my dreams, and the ability to speak freely because of their hard work and sacrifice, and I appreciate it!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Time With Grandpa

What a blessing it is for Madeline and I that she gets to spend lots of time with my Dad!  Today he came to her soccer game and post game ice cream.  Just some quiet time in the park.... these are memories that she'll have forever and that I always thank God for.  They had a little chat and some cuddle time.  Thank You Grandpa for always coming to her games when you are in town.  She doesn't always tell you, but she does appreciate it, and she will remember it, I have no doubt!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sweet Success/Good Friends

So I've made it no secret that I enjoy Madeline's soccer. As a person who never had one ounce of success in sports, it is fun for me to see her thrive. She has never backed down from a challenge in the game, and hopefully will never experience the shame of being the last kid chosen for a team (which I remember with painful clarity). This season has been a good one for her - her team didn't win every game, but she learned a lot, scored some, assisted friends, had a great kind coach, and all in all had a great time. Good memories were made.... and that other important lesson - how to lose with grace was also learned. Her team plays tomorrow in the semi finals, then we're done until March. She now has 7 soccer medals :-)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Madeline's Animals

This is Madeline's Animal Post:

These are awesome animals! Turtles, otters, even a baby gorilla! It's so awesome! I wish I could own a zoo. Wouldn't that be cool? I would have all types of animals in it, and it would be fun to look around. I would have animals like big lizards, wild horses, komodo dragons, giraffes, and three zebras. There would be lots of other fun animals too. I hope you like these pictures!


This girlie loves shoes - she's obviously a girl after my own heart :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Atlanta Zoo

During our all too brief visit to Rebecca's, we had a great time at the Atlanta Zoo. The kids absolutely loved the animals of all varieties, and I had a great day spending time with my sister and her sweeties!

My Sweetie :-)

Sophia is a great navigator - the map was consulted often.

Mommy/Daughter love.

Caught a sweet look :-)

Although there are several years between them, Madeline and Sophia love each other! Madeline loves being the "big" girl, and Sophia seems to genuinely look up to her.

It was wonderful to spend family time together. It hurt my heart to leave though, next time our visit will have to be longer than just a couple of days!

Lions - Oh My

The Varsity

Sometimes a wrong turn can take you to fun places! We had a little hiatus on our way to the Atlanta Zoo, and ended up having ice cream at The Varisty - fun fimes followed!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Kid

There's a new kid in town and she's winning friends right and left :-) She has a big smile and a sweet heart, and she wants to play!

She's free with a smile and wants to sit on your lap ...

She loves to check out new things and people - and when she does she points them out so that you are clear what she's interested in.

There's a new kid in town and she's really fun!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sleep Over Extravaganza

Our girl is a year older, and in honor of the big day she was allowed to have her first sleep over. The girls had a fabulous time giggling, running, playing Wii, baking, playing Twister and generically acting like the crazy girls that they are :-)

Madeline and her buddies are growing up so fast, but still are still little girls - its fun to watch them all grow and change over time.

It was not hard for them to make silly faces :-)

Doesn't she look excited :-)

Old School Photo - 6th Birthday :-)