Sunday, November 01, 2009

Trick or Treat

We have had a GREAT Halloween week-end... on Friday night we went out to eat with Mom & Dad and had a good meal and some great time together. Then we got to visit Mark on Saturday for a while (Madeline was very excited to see him - she loves her Uncles :-) Spending time with family is the best!

We were quite pleased with our pumpkin carving endeavors....

Daddy/Daughter fun handing out candy, and they walked down to the scary house in our neighborhood to trick or treat and have thrills and chills!

Good friends came by to trick or treat.

And yes, even I got in on the dress up action this year, although all I had to do was skip putting on my make up and doing my hair in the morning :-) (I can't believe that I put this pic on the blog!)

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Johnny & Jeanine came by, we were happy to see them - it seems like it has been a really long time since Madeline got to see her Nana and Granddaddy!


Unknown said...

Very impressive pumpkins. Would you believe that I have never carved one?

Glad you had a fun Halloween!

Windsor House said...

Those are the nicest carved pumpkins I have see. good job. We enjoyed dinner with you guys!. glad you had a good weekend. We sure enjoyed it also.

Windsor House said...

Who is that woman in the black wig? So funny!. I almost missed noticing it! Good costume!
Love You

Our Family said...

your pumpkins are amazing. What is the secret? Do you have a kit of some kind or are you all naturals.