The Flames had their last games of the season yesterday - true to how it goes every fall, we had hot games in the beginning of the season, and a cold snowy end. The girls won their first game, and lost the second. We were proud though, because Madeline scored two in the second game, which was against a team that has not lost a game this season. She grown so much this year! It's amazing to watch her bloom in soccer - I have no athletic skills whatsoever, so it really trills me to see Madeline do well. She and I are both loving soccer! Next we start her first season of basketball - I'm anxious to see how that goes since she's never played.
She looks sort of like the Michelin Man in these pics :-)

Go, girl! We were proud. :)
I am so proud of her development as a soccer player this year. She showed agression and focus! Good season Madeline!
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