Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gone Fishing

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I've gotten behind in my blogging this month! My sister came to visit us for 10 days, and we spent a lot of time with her, going to the Stephen Foster Story, Abraham Lincoln's Boyhood Home and Birthplace, general hanging out, and going to the cabin. So, we've done a lot, but I have photos of little! Madeline's Daisy troop had a cook out during that time, and since someone else took the photos, I actually have one! Madeline was quite proud of herself for catching a little fish. It was fun to see the reactions of the girls and the mothers.... fun was had by all!


Unknown said...

Very impressive! We had lots of fun.

Windsor House said...

We sure enjoyed spending a lot of time with our girls. Madeline is quite the angler. She caught a good size fish at the cabin last year as well.
Love you guys

Our Family said...

Here fish is really neat:) Looking forward to more posts.