Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Medals for a GREAT Team!

The soccer season ended for the year, and the Dragons were happy to receive their medals! They played very well in the tournament and had fun together. I may not have mentioned before that this team did not win a game this season. While I would have liked for Madeline to to have experienced a win, she had an opportunity to be on a team with friends, who learned together and grew together. There was no fighting, no jealousy, was no pouting or whining. No one complained about not winning. The girls enjoyed soccer and actually wanted to go to practice. It truly was a blessing to be on this team, and I would not have moved Madeline to another team if I had been asked. It was a great year!


Unknown said...

What a good experience! The chick in the back sucking on the Capri sun is halirious!

Windsor House said...

I was very impressed by their focus and hard work during the games we saw. We were especially proud of Madeline who really improved this year. We love her so much!!
Grandpa and Grandma