Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
It is a tradition that the First Graders at Madeline's school dramatize the Stations of the Cross. Madeline's turn was today, and it was so wonderful! Every child in the school came into the gym, and sat quietly (truly) for the entire hour long service. The kids stood like statues as the teachers narrated Jesus' walk with the cross and crucifixion. I was moved by the whole service, the respect and beauty of the children, and the message of sacrifice that was delivered. What a wonderful experience for the kids! I have been in a bit of a blue funk (which we all get into occasionally), and this was a great reminder of why I get up every day and do the things I do.
Madeline was blessed to have Johnny and Jeanine there today, and by having my parents at her soccer game last Saturday - what a great support for her! We love them and thank them all.

Oh, how cute that is. I am sure that lesson will not be one that she'll soon forget.
She is blessed to have an education like this. What a sweetie!
What an appropriate message for the kids to receive.
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