Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is my sweet Grandma singing - she and my Grandpa are the reason that Bluegrass is close to my heart. It was the cutest thing that day - she kept saying she didn't want to sing, when she was clearly loving it! What a wonderful Grandma :-) (It reminds me of the crunchies she used to save for me special when she made fried chicken, and the time we laughed until we both laid down on the ground outside her house and cried over a door we couldn't get to close, when I used to insist on sleeping between her and my Grandpa, and the fact that she could tell the scariest stories EVER - funny how people didn't worry so much about scaring a kid then, but that is off the point) I LOVE MY GRANDMA!


Unknown said...

Ah, I love my Grandma too! This too is priceless. I am so thrilled that you captured her singing on video. The fried chicken crunchies made my stomach growl! Dad is going to have to burn us a copy of this.

Windsor House said...

Thanks for posting these sweet videos. Mom really enjoys singing and was so impressed that you put this on the computer. The video of Madeline turned out better than I thought it would. This is priceless