Once again it is the first day of school. Again I experienced my yearly feelings of how fast the time is going, just like all of the other Moms in the world. She certainly is a big girl! Although she has expressed some feelings of nervousness the past few days, she was certainly a big brave girl today! I was very proud of her :-) Apparently I was more nervous than she was because last night I had the classic dream of showing up for your final exam and finding out that you missed the class the whole semester.....
Ah, look at our little sweety. This makes me want to go back and look for the picture you posted last year...which seems like yesterday. Hope she enjoys her new class and teacher.
OK, I am a TOTAL cheeseball. I am LOVING the Annie tunes. Keep 'em around a day or two, OK?
Its hard to believe that she is allready in the first grade. What a cute first grader she is! We are very proud of her and know that she will do very well!
Hope she loves first grade! It's my favorite and I loved teaching it!
It is amazing how fast they grow. I did go and look back at last years Kindergarten picture and she has grown!! Enjoy this.
Remember all you ever needed to know you learned in 1st grade:)
Eva and Sara
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