Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Crazy Day!

I have had the craziest day that I've had in a long, long time today. I decided that yes, I had to take the puppy back. Don't tell me that I'm a bad mother, just know that I did what I thought I had to do. Then, strangely enough, a friend asked us if we wanted one of those big blue pools to put in our yard. So tonight Steven started filling it. So, thankfully, Madeline and I have something fun to do! So, if I have a sunburn after a couple of days don't be surprised :-)

The end of the puppy thing as far as the blog goes is me saying a big public THANK YOU to my husband for being the kindest most gentle guy in the world with me about the dog. This was not Steven's big mistake, it was mine 100%. I never said I was perfect, just a regular Mom trying to do her thing!

Next, I have to thank my Dad, for helping me through a very tough decision and a very, very hard evening.

Also, thanks to Rebecca, Mom and Margaret for all of their moral support.

While I am pretty embarrassed about how publicly I did this crazy thing, I don't feel like I am having a panic attack any more, so I think I did the right thing.

Pool pictures will follow sometime, I am sure! (Don't worry Dad, I'll take the ladder out when the pool isn't in use, and Madeline will never, ever be in there without an adult present)


Unknown said...

Think I have seen those pools. They look like fun. Act silly, take lots of pictures and catch some rays!

Windsor House said...

Move on and forget about the dog! The pool sounds like fun. Have fun!!
Love You