I put together the slide show first, then clicked over to Steven's Blog, his post was so beautiful it made me cry. So first I must say Thank You to my sweet pea. The rest of you should definitely follow the link here on my blog over to Steven's and read his post. (I don't make links work well in the text of my posts for some reason)
I haven't written enough here about my Grandma Asher. She has a faith that is so strong that I believe her prayers could move mountains. I never had a doubt in my mind how much she loves me - she used to make fried chicken and make "crunchies" for me. I'd sleep over at her house, and she'd tell the scariest stories you'd ever hear in your life - I loved it! I remember special times where we laughed our guts out. She has never known how special she is, what a great person she is, but I know! She was a great example as to how to be a good wife and Mother. I don't see her as much as I want to, but I always think of her. Thank God for her!
I have to say that today I know that my Mamaw Baker has a broken heart today, having lost more than one of her babies. I can't begin to imagine how that feels, so I am thinking of her today, and all of the great things she taught me, and all of us who were blessed to call her ours.
Following that, of course, is the thought of my sweet Mama, who is loved beyond measure, who listens to all of my joys and sorrows still to this day, and puts up with my bossiness with a smile. What a great one she is! Finally, to Rebecca, with her new little ones on the way, I think of all of the joy you have to come (which you don't even realize yet, even though you think you do) and I am so happy for her!
I also have to Thank God, for giving me the wonderful blessing of my sweet Madeline, who taught me that it truly is possible to have unconditional love beyond all measure. Truly, the greatest gift is a child.
I have a Bible verse for today as well:
For this is what the Lord says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." Isaiah 66: 12-14
Steven found this picture today, which is hard for me to see, but I felt in honor of my Mom I had to post it today. Mom, remember, God will comfort you as your Mother did.

OK, I signed on to type a Mother's Day post and am a mess after reading yours. Exactly like I was going to write. I guess we are more alike than we think!
What a wonderful mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend you are. You are an inspiration!
I typed my first comment before reading Steven's. How impressive. You've both honored your mothers in a beautiful way.
Janie, I have to admit...I've been keeping "tabs" on your beautiful family through Mark and Rebecca's site as well. What a gorgeous little girl you have. I have to tell you, the Recital Practice video is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I hope you don't mind me checking in every now and then =) Erin (Mark's cousin)
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