On Christmas night everyone came over and we had a Wii party - we had so much fun playing those games. Dad was happy to beat both Steven and Mark at bowling, and Madeline was happy to beat Mark at boxing. I think everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, so I was quite satisfied :-)
We were blessed to be at Mom & Dad's house with Rebecca, Mark and Sophia on Christmas Day. There is something so comforting about spending that day together! Dad tricked a couple of us with our gifts - Madeline was THRILLED to get a basketball goal, and Steven enjoyed his IPod very much as well. Most of all we enjoyed a great meal joined by Bridget and Nicole and just had fun being together. Sweet Sophia has gotten so big - she was a ton of fun to play with this time. A great time was had by all, and I'm sure it's a memory we'll keep for a long time to come.
Santa came to our house! Madeline loved her gifts, although she wasn't feeling well that morning. We did a simple good time enjoying each other's company... Plus we had a good laugh because we got snuggies :-) I don't care what any of you people say, I like my Snuggie :-)
We had our first group of family over for some Christmas Eve fun - and we certainly had a great time together laughing, eating and opening presents. Madeline had fun playing with the cousins, presents and all. She even gave one of her toys to Carlee... I was really proud of her for that :-) Here are some pictures of us all having a great time:
We've had fun this winter with Madeline's new sport - she's playing basketball now! We remain amazed that we have somehow brought a little budding athlete into the world.... Basketball is pretty fun, but it's hard to take a good picture! Another great aspect about basketball has been that Madeline's Grandparents have been coming to the games, and Melissa and Carlee came last week too. A great time was had by all!