Madeline and I had a great time on our trip to see Rebecca, Mark and Sophia. My Sister does not live close by, so we value the time we get to spend together very much. We had some good talks, went to Church (their church is amazing), went to the park, Chuckie Cheeses, a great bounce place, and overall enjoyed each other's company. I was so happy to get a chance to bond with Sophia - what a cutie she is! On the way home from Chuckie Cheeses she said "Shawowie" about 10 or 15 times, so now Madeline and I use that as an all around expression of joy :-) I uploaded a bunch of pictures, in an effort to show most of the fun.
One thing I know for sure - Sophia loves her some Mouse! She could not get enough of the Chuckie Cheeses Mouse guy. Too funny!

Madeline was proud, she got a bunch of tickets and was able to "purchase" a cool necklace making kit.

Check out the smiles on these faces - they LOVED it!

Madeline thinks Rebecca is the coolest thing since macaroni and cheese!

These folks had some fun playing Mouse!

I love this picture!

Me having some fun on the slide :-)

Having some fun on the giant play set.