She has learned so much this year - now she can read, add and subtract, she can recite the pledge and explain the symbolism of the flag, and she's a pro at school!
Here she is on the first day of school:

She looks so much bigger now! And you can definitely see the difference, she was so nervous that first day - look how her little hands were clasped together. It makes me sad, and glad :-)
P.S. I had to add a little post script - Madeline cried when she went to bed because she was sad to finish Kindergarten. She said "things will never be the same again"! I know how she feels for sure... I guess Rebecca is right, she's a lot like her Mom. I told her that First Grade would be exciting and she'd love her new teachers - her response was I don't want different, I think things should always be the same. So, she's had one of her first taste of that life long lesson about change. It will always come, even if you don't want it to. I hope to teach her that things usually get better, not worse, and we should look forward to tomorrow and trust in God.