Sunday, January 27, 2008

Time, and the Wind Beneath My Wings

My Sweet Dad brought these beautiful flowers to me today. I had one of those tearful afternoons that most of you Moms will probably understand. I had not one, but TWO Dads tell me that they don't see enough of me today. Madeline told me that all I wanted to do was housework, and I never wanted to play. Steven didn't see me long enough to make a similar comment to me. I worked at St. Joe for the Pancake Breakfast, made dinner at Noon, did laundry, took Madeline to her party, and then had Johnny & Jeanine over. This is how all of my days seem to be - there is always somebody who wants a little piece of me, and I just can't give each one of them as much as they deserve, or as much as I want to give them. I know all of you Moms out there know what I mean!

Dad, thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful and meant the world to me. You truly are the "wind beneath my wings" and I love you more than you will ever know.

The Family Band

Johnny and Jeanine came over this evening and we had a fun time having a little jam session with the family band. Steven, Johnny and Jeanine were great, I got a little stage fright on the piano playing. Jeanine is amazing! She can listen to a song once and then can just play it. She can't read music, but she doesn't need it. It was fun, and I'm hoping they will come over and do it again soon.


Rebecca said that the pic of Madeline's teeth alone doesn't satisfy her need for a Madeline fix - so this one's for you little sister :-) Madeline had a ton of fun at a friend's birthday party today, but she didn't want me to leave the party. It kills me sometimes to see how big she is getting, but in so many ways she's still so little and innocent. Her little hand was gripping mine hard today. Mom said that I needed to let her fly on her own a little, so I did leave the party after about an hour and a half (although she begged me not to) and left her there for a while on her own. She was fine, of course :-)

Saturday, January 19, 2008


After three years of gummy smiles and cutting bites of food, the long awaited top tooth is finally coming in. Madeline is quite pleased!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Our Amazing Girl

I am constantly amazed at what Madeline can do - I know that all Moms feel this way. I think it's one of the things about being a parent that surprises me the most really. Tonight Madeline read 60 flash cards that I made. The teacher sent home a list of words for practice, so I put them all on cards thinking we could work on them. Well, Madeline read them all the first time! It took me longer to make the cards than it took her to read them. At dinner, we were doing "quizzes" which is our little game where we ask each other questions - sometimes math, sometimes reading or making up a story. Today was Math - she got 23 + 22 correct, 3 10s plus 23, and 9 plus 18, plus all but one of the others we asked. Anyway, the purpose of this post is not to brag about her, or to invite "wow" comments, but more just to once again tell the world that God blessed us with one amazing kid! I hope that we can give her an environment in which she can learn as much as possible, and grow into a healthy and happy woman ...... being a Mom is great on days like this!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cold, Wet Sunday

It was really cold and wet around here today. We made the most of it though. First we went to church, and Madeline was excited because she got to wear her cat rain boots and outfit that Grandma and Grandpa gave her. Usually we wear dresses to church, but today was too nasty. She looked cute though....

The boots were the best, she got to run through deep puddles, and who wouldn't love doing that if you had cat rain boots!

Then this afternoon we went to see "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and took Campbell and Lauren along. The girls had a great time, and sang like the chipmunks the whole way home. A good time was had by all!

Tonight, we are sitting by a warm fire, courtesy of my sweet hubby. Perfect for a cold, wet Sunday.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Madeline and her Friends; and, my new hobby

Madeline wanted you to see her friends that she takes everywhere with her now - the Webkin family - Miranda, Sparkleworks, Lola, and Nicole. Of Course Baby Horsey is still around, though not a Webkin "we can love him anyway"

She wanted a cute picture of just herself too :-)

Although I don't love the picture, I do enjoy the electric piano that Steven got for me today. I can play "When the Saints Go Marching In" with chords and everything! I am pretty proud of myself, but my thumb is getting a blister, so I may need to slow down a bit on my practicing! :-) We've become quite the musical family around here...

LOST is coming back :-)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Daphne went to Show and Tell

Daphne went to school today with Madeline for Show and Tell, and both she and Madeline had a great time. Madeline loved all of the attention, of course, and was quite happy with the class reaction. There was a bit of a scare though, because due to a tornado warning the class had to go sit in the basement hallway, and Daphne was placed in a closet (a very safe place for a hamster Madeline now says), which at the time, apparently seemed like a very dangerous place for a hamster to be. Never fear, all ended well, and both Madeline and Daphne made it through the storm just fine.

Monday, January 07, 2008

The Knot Quilt

Two weeks and over 400 knots later I have finished Madeline's blanket. It's really soft and cozy, and turned out pretty cute :-)

The song for the day is Madeline's favorite song at present. You should hear her sing it!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Play Room

First I have to say this, those of you who know me know that I am NEVER a bossy grump, especially not when it involves my Mamma Bear tendencies. I am ALWAYS kind and gentle, always allowing others to express their opinions. ;-) Today's victim: my Mother. Sorry Mom! You are in fact the gentlest kindest person I know - how you raised me, I'll never know!

We have been industrious this week-end, and finally made Ms. Madeline a play room. It still needs decorations for the walls and curtains, but the toys are there, and it's already in use......