of a crazy Mommy!
Let's see:
5:45 a.m. get up, go through VCR tapes to see if we can sell any in yard sale
6:10 a.m. empty dish washer
6:30 a.m. talk to Mammaw Baker on phone while pricing school uniforms
6:45 a.m. talk to Steven, take shower
7:15 a.m. put together lemonade stand stuff
7:20 a.m. wake Madeline/give her bath
7:30 a.m. Steven takes bath
7:40 a.m. braid hair/dress/dress Madeline/talk to Steven
8:00 a.m. walk to Margaret's for yard sale
8:15 a.m. Steven brings over yard sale stuff, goes to get hair cut
9:25 a.m. help girls make lemonade, set up stand
9:45 to Noon help girls sell lemonade
11:30 p.m. Steven comes over, buys lemonade, helps collect my stuff, takes Madeline home for down time
12:00 p.m. I help take down yard sale, girls collected $5.75 each for lemonade work
12:25 p.m. I collect $66.50 yard sale profits
12:30 p.m. make Madeline lunch at home
1:00 p.m. take Madeline back to Roby's
1:15 p.m. we travel to Lowe's in Etown, buy vanity, mirror, flooring, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, light bulbs, handles, towel & toilet paper racks, ceiling fan for bedroom
3:30 p.m. arrive back to pick up Madeline, Steven unloads stuff
4:00 p.m. Madeline rest/watch movie, I figure out playlist for blog, Steven to Grocery
5:15 p.m. make dinner
5:30 p.m. Roby Girls come back
5:45 p.m. eat dinner/clean up
6:15 p.m. girls make poster, I make cup cakes, Steven brings up play kitchen, builds tents
7:00 p.m. ice cup cakes/decorate them
7:20 p.m. play in tent city
7:40 p.m. play in camp tent
7:50 p.m. girls polish nails/watch Madeline's recital video, I wash dishes
8:10 p.m. girls dress up, we make dancing stage with bunch of flash lights
8:40 p.m. girls put on gowns, watch Dora, I clean up
9:00 p.m. Margaret gets here, girls leave, Madeline keeps watching Dora
9:20 p.m. Madeline to bed (very late) I put on gown, start blogging
10:00 p.m. I type this entry (why, because I'm addicted!)
tomorrow, begin again! I LOVE this life! (I really do, isn't that great!)