Madeline update - she is getting an adult tooth! Aside from the obvious (thank goodness she's going to have teeth again so she can eat corn and apples) I have to admit to feeling a bit sad that our little girlie is growing up so fast! She has 3 more days of preschool, and next year she'll be in Kindergarten. It is hard to believe, and such a cliche, that time passes so fast! I actually enjoy her more and more the older she gets in many ways - like having conversations and listening to her imaginative stories, but I also know that the innocent years are quickly passing!
Anyway, so that I don't sound so melancholy, let me tell you some of the things that she has said lately that gave me a belly laugh:
"Mommy, when will you be done with this transaction!?"
"How can you possibly sit in a room with the radio on and NOT HEAR what they say?"
"I wish I could be the grown up and tell you what to do all day!"
"I try to tell Ellie what to do but SHE JUST WON'T LISTEN!"
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Camping Week-End
So far the week-end has been a lot of fun! We camped the last two days, and as you can see from the pictures, we did lots of fun camp type stuff. We swam, rode 4 wheelers, the kids played in the sand, and the adults stood around, ate junk food and talked. It is a great thing that the kids get to go up there, it's one of the few places where they get to run around free (within the confines of the area in which the grown ups can see them) - they get completely dirty and do all of the stuff that we got to do as kids. Madeline had a big time, so much so in fact that she wore herself out and eventually got in trouble and had to go home for two hours for a nap. But, we went back and the rest of the day was much better. She had fun with Ellie, which is great, since a lot of times when we've gone up there were no girls her age. Today we plan to hang out here at our house and rest up!
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Meet Paddy McGuinness!
We got to go see our puppy yesterday, and Madeline and I were both very excited! He's coming to our house the 2nd week-end in July (he's not ready to leave his Momma and 5 brothers and sisters yet), but we went to visit and fell in love :-)
I only have a minute to blog - have to go back to camp! Hope you're having a great week-end, I'll blog more later!
Friday, May 25, 2007
The reason we have a three day week-end
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
LOST Season Finale

Tonight was the season finale of my show LOST, which all you know I am totally addicted to! It was AWESOME! Now I have to wait until next February for Season Four, don't ya feel sorry for me ? :-) You have time - get it from Netflix (except you Mom & Dad, not your kind of show), order it from itunes, etc, you can watch the other seasons and catch up with me :-) LOL
Field Trip Fun
Madeline and Steven had big fun today going on a field trip to a wildlife preserve in Frankfort today, and by all accounts they had a great time :-) Madeline was thrilled to have Daddy come along - although she is tender hearted enough to say she wished I was there too. I took a picture before they left, and Steven took a couple while they were there. I am glad that they got some Daddy and Girl time together, we all need that!
Monday, May 21, 2007
No Moustache
OK, so nobody noticed! After all of these years, I finally asked Steven to shave off his moustache, since I had never seen him without it. He did, look below and see how much Madeline looks like him! I think he looks great.....
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Our Sunday Activities
Hello all - we had a great day today - we worked around the house quite a bit and made a mural on our retaining wall with sidewalk chalk and paint. Campbell came over to play, which was a blessing and gave me time to pull the multitude of weeds out of a little spot behind my house that I wanted to plant some tomatos in. It took me two whole hours to pull the weeks out, then I planted three tomatos and a little hill of cucumbers. All because my Crepe Myrtle seems to be coming back to life after the big freeze, so I am babying it and maybe will grow a tomato or two in the meantime. We'll see if I can get them to live! Madeline had a big bubble bath, you can enjoy a pic of that above, and then we had grilled chicken and salad, and we are headed off to bed. Monday tomorrow!
I also wanted to say that I learned something major about family on Friday. Actually I already knew, but I had a reminder. We had a HORRIBLE meeting with the Clay County prosecutor (I can't say horrible enough). It made me almost ashamed to be an attorney, although I don't treat people that way EVER, but it made me PROUD to be a Baker. They stood strong, asked good questions, and did not let anyone intimidate them. I love them all more than I could possibly tell them, but I hope that in some way my actions showed them. That's all I'll say about that meeting!
Friday, May 18, 2007
The Recital
Yesterday was a big day for our girl - she got her money from the tooth fairy, and Mom was here when she woke up, which I am sure she was excited about. Then she had a pajama party at school, and was allowed to take her sleeping bag and a stuffed animal and wear her PJs to school. She said it was totally fun, and she wants to wear her PJs to school again! Then Grandma did a wonderful job of putting her hair into sponge rollers (you guys know how nutty I get about Grandma doing Madeline's hair :-) we got all ready and Steven and I, Mom and Dad, Johnny and Jeanine and Nicole went to her recital. She was happy to have everyone there. Somehow, I was much calmer than I usually am about those things once we got there (no psycho perfectionist Mom tendencies came out I don't think). Madeline had fun watching the other girls - her favorite dance was "Happy Feet" which was a tap dance routine. She did great in both of her dances - I think she was a bit on the nervous side in the Under the Sea one, which was her first one. She didn't smile too much and missed a bit, but hey, she didn't scream "MOM" in the middle like she did last year in gymnastics - she didn't cry or panic. The Over the Rainbow Routine was totally cute, and she found her Mojo a little more in that once and followed the dance really well I thought. After the 1st one she didn't want to get dressed & do the second one, but after the Over the Rainbow she wanted to go back on again! Those little girls are sure under a lot of pressure - one little girl threw up on stage (it was before their Over the Rainbow routine started while the curtain was still closed) and a little girl sitting next to me had a panic attack in the audience before her routine - I started hearing these little short gasps and the girls next to her said "Mom?" to me - "we think she's sick...." so I sent for her Mom and she said that the little girl does have panic attacks. She was OK eventually and went on for her routine and did great. After the show we went out for ice cream as a group, and had a great time! I'll figure out Dad's video camera soon hopefully and I'll get video on here.....
Enjoy a few pictures in the meantime!
Enjoy a few pictures in the meantime!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Recital Anticipation
Recital week is in full swing, and we are getting excited! Madeline is just certain that people with throw roses and candy to her on the stage because she is going to dance so beautifully.... the dress rehearsal is tonight, and the actual recital is tomorrow, and it should be really cute! You'll have to check back for the pics. Other than that we have no big week-end plans. Maybe I'll finally learn to ride the 4 wheeler! Aren't we quite the red necks with our ATV!
Puppy news - we are getting the Cavalier Spaniel - the friend who is selling it to us came to a party this past week-end armed with a picture, and that pretty much sealed the deal! So, we'll have a new baby the 2nd week of July. Check back then to see how much I am moaning about taking care of the pup :-)
Last night I quite enjoyed the 2nd to last episode of the season of my favorite show LOST.... here's a video for you to enjoy :-)
Puppy news - we are getting the Cavalier Spaniel - the friend who is selling it to us came to a party this past week-end armed with a picture, and that pretty much sealed the deal! So, we'll have a new baby the 2nd week of July. Check back then to see how much I am moaning about taking care of the pup :-)
Last night I quite enjoyed the 2nd to last episode of the season of my favorite show LOST.... here's a video for you to enjoy :-)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
I put together the slide show first, then clicked over to Steven's Blog, his post was so beautiful it made me cry. So first I must say Thank You to my sweet pea. The rest of you should definitely follow the link here on my blog over to Steven's and read his post. (I don't make links work well in the text of my posts for some reason)
I haven't written enough here about my Grandma Asher. She has a faith that is so strong that I believe her prayers could move mountains. I never had a doubt in my mind how much she loves me - she used to make fried chicken and make "crunchies" for me. I'd sleep over at her house, and she'd tell the scariest stories you'd ever hear in your life - I loved it! I remember special times where we laughed our guts out. She has never known how special she is, what a great person she is, but I know! She was a great example as to how to be a good wife and Mother. I don't see her as much as I want to, but I always think of her. Thank God for her!
I have to say that today I know that my Mamaw Baker has a broken heart today, having lost more than one of her babies. I can't begin to imagine how that feels, so I am thinking of her today, and all of the great things she taught me, and all of us who were blessed to call her ours.
Following that, of course, is the thought of my sweet Mama, who is loved beyond measure, who listens to all of my joys and sorrows still to this day, and puts up with my bossiness with a smile. What a great one she is! Finally, to Rebecca, with her new little ones on the way, I think of all of the joy you have to come (which you don't even realize yet, even though you think you do) and I am so happy for her!
I also have to Thank God, for giving me the wonderful blessing of my sweet Madeline, who taught me that it truly is possible to have unconditional love beyond all measure. Truly, the greatest gift is a child.
I have a Bible verse for today as well:
For this is what the Lord says: "I will extend peace to her like a river, and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream; you will nurse and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem." Isaiah 66: 12-14
Steven found this picture today, which is hard for me to see, but I felt in honor of my Mom I had to post it today. Mom, remember, God will comfort you as your Mother did.

Friday, May 11, 2007
It's a Girl!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Madeline's Dance Recital Practice
Madeline's dance class has been practicing for their recital next Friday night - I thought you might enjoy watching their dance. (They have their regular dance outfit under their costumes in this video) You'll see much more of the recital, I am sure :-)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Birthday Party Fun
We had a good Sunday - first we went to Church, which is where Madeline was headed in the pink dress in the picture. The sun shining through the stained glass was a religious experience in itself today. We headed to Lowes to pick out shelving (stand alone for the laundry room - we are going to install the shelving I blogged about yesterday in other places in the house) This afternoon Madeline and I went to a Birthday party for her friend Campbell - it was a beautiful day, and Madeline had fun riding on her bike, then dancing on picnic tables. We had dinner out on the deck, which was really nice too. Overall it was a good day, although it seemed to fly by really. I need to be going to bed, but don't want to, since it will make Monday get here quicker! I put a pic of Margaret and I on the slide show - so it's not just the kids in the spotlight today. She hears all of my life stuff, good and bad, and has become a great friend. A good girl friend is a great thing to have!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Queen and the Derby - didn't change our Saturday at all!

Queen Elizabeth II came to Kentucky today for the Derby - and we, well, ignored her visit altogether! Steven had a frustrating day trying to hang shelving in the laundry room, which he still can't get hung. Apparently the drywall is too close to the concrete wall for the screw anchors to open up. He is a bit annoyed! Madeline and I, on the other hand, first went to look at a puppy at the pound - we saw a really cute beagle type pup, and he was really docile and lovey. He has his "fixing" procedure on Tuesday, and we are going to check back after that to see if he is healthy and happy after that. I'm still waffling all over the place on that trying to make the right choice. Then we went to Etown and I got a docking station for my IPod, so now I can listen to music in the kitchen. You Moms know how much time I spend in the kitchen! Overall I had a pretty good day, other than feeling sorry for Steven and his wasted effort so far.
On the pics of the Queen, doesn't she have just beautiful outfits for a lady of her age (of course, you say, she is the Queen!) I actually liked her Jamestown hat with the blue suit better than her Churchill Downs hat. I had to laugh though, is that Erica Caine from All My Children standing behind her over her right shoulder?
I hope that all of you have a great Sunday, and that Steven gets those shelves hung for his sanity! Any good ideas on the shelves? (Putting his fist through the wall won't work - he'll hit concrete!)
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Dance Recital
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Another Survey
Thoughtful Questions... | |
Which TV family would you like to join? | The Ingals |
Three suitcases or one carry-on? | Three suitcases! |
What superpower would you want to possess? Why? | flying - I'd get there faster and could run from the bad guys |
The movie or the book? Or the Cliffs Notes? | The Book |
If you started a treehouse club and could only invite three members, who would you pick? | Steven, Madeline and Buckley (to play w/my girl) |
What was your favorite subject in school? Why | history - loved the stories |
If you could go back in time and relive one day in your life, which day would you choose and why? | my Birthday this year - it was total peace and love |
What are your three main goals in life? | raise Madeline right, have love, do right by others |
What is your most missed memory? | Grandpa Asher |
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? | I'd have more babies! |
What one thing do you want most in this world? | Madeline and Steven to be happy |
How do you want to be remembered when you die? | As one who took care of everyone |
What is your proudest moment? Your most disappointing? | seeing Madeline succeed - I'm disappointed when I'm afraid to do something |
What do you fear most? | dying before Madeline grows up |
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at |
New Photo Program
I'm trying out a different photo program - Picasa - it's pretty neat, and in a lot of ways easier than the other ones I've used.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Possible Puppy

Hi All-
I am very excited! I have been shopping puppies, as you all know, for about a year now. I had decided that the one I wanted was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and I have a lead on one!!! There are several different color variations, I'm not sure which one ours would be. I think it will be a boy, and since it is a very British breed, I am trying to think of British names - Steven suggested "Wembley" which is what I am leaning to right now. I'll keep ya posted :-) !!!
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