Sunday, April 29, 2007
Fun Spring Week-End
We went down to London yesterday and had a good visit with Mammaw and a bunch of assorted uncles, aunts and cousins. It is always so great to go and be with them! We took Mammaw her flower pot that she wanted & I think she was happy to get it. She looked a little bit better than she did the last time I saw her, which was a big relief to me, but I know that she still isn't doing good at all. She almost made me burst into tears because she told me she'd teach me how to make her chicken and dumplings when she gets back on her feet. How I hope and pray that she will get back on her feet! Madeline had a ton of fun playing baseball with Colton, and she got to love on Kazia's puppy and Jaylin's Roscoe, so she is talking non stop now about getting a puppy. I am thinking that I will finally do it. I'll keep you posted!
After Mammaw's we went to the cabin and had fun relaxing there. We had a big bug hunt this morning, and found all manner of creepy crawlies... It is so wonderful to have a beautiful place like the cabin to get away to! Today we had fun hanging out with the Robys. Lauren just lost her first tooth, so I had to take the snaggle tooth pic :-)
All in all, a good week-end! Oh yeah, I have to mention that I settled a case that I have been struggling over on Friday! Always a good way to start a week-end. Oh well, there will be another hard one to take it's place tomorrow, I am sure!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Steven's on the web!
Steven has set up his own Blog, so you'll have somewhere else to check for new posts now. This is why I am blogging in the middle of the night, we've been setting him up. You can find him by linking on the link here at my site. Now I can take the car videos off my site :-) Never fear, Steven won't be gone from here, he'll still show up as the anonymous dark haired man in the background of photos...
Just kidding! Of course he'll be here, just his motorcycle videos won't be :-)
We are off to Mammaw's tomorrow. I'll post some pictures on Sunday. Have a great Saturday!
Just kidding! Of course he'll be here, just his motorcycle videos won't be :-)
We are off to Mammaw's tomorrow. I'll post some pictures on Sunday. Have a great Saturday!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
New Hope Farm
We spent my Birthday at Steven's family farm on New Hope Road. It was a beautiful day, and while we were 4 wheeling around the farm, I took some pictures so you could see where he grew up (and spent a lot of time doing a lot of work and motorcycle riding). It is such a beautiful place, and he told us all kinds of stories about when he was growing up, and work they did taking care of the cattle. There is an old house out there that was owned by the Pottinger family years ago, then bought by the Edelen family who were related to the Hites through Steven's Grandmother Rose Nelson Hite I believe (I'll double check that one with Steven :-)
A GREAT Birthday
In addition to our tour of the farm, we flew kites, played baseball, flew a glider, found rocks, pine cones, had snacks and hid in a grove of pine trees. We had some laughs, told some jokes, and generally had fun. I honestly could not have had a better day if I had written a script for it. I'd say it was my best birthday in years!
Happy Birthday to Me!
Madeline, Mom and I had a great time at the Louisville Zoo - Madeline was afraid of the geese that you see in the first couple of pictures. It was pretty funny when they started to chase Mom! We had fun on the playground equipment, and particularly enjoyed the new baby elephant at the Zoo. He weighted 285 pounds! We also saw the rhinoceros move for the first time after like 15 or so visits to the Zoo. Spring time is definitely the time to go! Check out Dad's Blog in a couple of days for cool pictures from his office. I love the picture of Madeline playing in the tube - she is so much bigger than she is on another picture I have of her playing in a tube on the playground behind our old house in New Haven. It was a beautiful day!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Steven and I had a great anniversary yesterday - we went with Madeline to a very romantic dinner at the Huddle House :-) We really did have a lot of fun laughing at her eating cheese sticks and sausages. I keep thinking this week that married life turned out to be really wonderful. Don't worry, I'll quit being sappy next week - a girl can be all sentimental on her birthday/anniversary week, can't she?
Monday, April 16, 2007
She Lost the Tooth :-)

I know that you've been anxiously awaiting, as have we, the loss of the tooth! This morning while brushing teeth, it finally came out. Madeline cracked me up going in to school today. Each person she saw she'd say "Hi, my Mom pushed my tooth out!" That kiddo can really make me smile with what she comes up with. Her theory on the tooth fairy is that the tooth fairy doesn't only bring money, sometimes she brings toys too. I asked her whether she thought the tooth fairy would bring her toys or money. She says money, because the tooth fairy knows that she likes to pick out her own toys :-) You can't argue with that now, can you?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Nine Years

The 18th is our Nine Year Wedding Anniversary (of course we were together for almost five years before that, so we've been a pair for a while :-) Anniversaries are time for remembering the past, and looking forward to the future. Steven and I are like any couple, we've had good times and bad times, but I thank God that in our marriage, the good ones definitely outweigh the bad. We both appreciate what we have, and neither of us are naive enough to think things are supposed to be perfect all of the time. I am amazed at how lucky and blessed we truly are to be where we are today. I have no thought whatsoever that I would like to trade him in for a different model, and I truly believe that Steven feels the same. Life is good! I am not a writer, so I can't write a good poem or love song, but if I could, I would write one for my sweet Steven!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Try this Test :-)
He's all about raw power. He's tough, he's loud, and he doesn't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating his dust.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
I'm a Corvette, Steven is a Dodge Viper - what are you?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Tooth Fairy
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Easter Fun
We had a really fun and happy Easter here in our house. I am exhausted now, but we had a lot of fun today seeing friends and family and enjoying lots of candy :-) I hope that you enjoy the pictures. We have taken time out to remember the reason that we are celebrating, and Madeline and I had a really good conversation about heaven and why Jesus died and rose again. I hope that she at least somewhat absorbed what it is all about.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Monday, April 02, 2007
Good things from bad; and, our Sweet Mammaw
Although I won't go into it here, most of you know that last week was a very rough one for me and my family. I have learned a lot though. My cousin Stephen Baker is a minister in a Church of Christ Church. He gave one of the best funeral sermons I have heard this week-end. We were truly blessed to be able to hear him speak. I learned that I have some absolutely wonderful friends, who came offered help when I needed it most. Most particularly Keith and Michelle, and Margaret and Sean, who took care of Madeline for us. They weren't the only ones by any means though who provided help, love and support. I also got a vivid reminder of what a great family I have come from, what a kind and supportive husband I have, and what a good family I married into. I saw my Dad hold my Mom's hand with love and devotion, and my Mom gladly accept it. On a happy note, I saw a fabulous sonogram of our family's newest addition.
Now, I need to tell you about the strongest woman I know, my Grandmother. In our family she is lovingly called Mammaw by everyone, young and old. She has lived through so many good and bad times, yet through it all she has remained a truly good woman and the rock upon which a huge family rests. I have said many times that I have gone to school for a long time, and learned a lot of things, but I have learned more from her (and from my Mom, which comes from her) than I did at school. I learned how to rise above adversity, how to raise a child with love, how to trust in God, how to look at the world practically rather than niavely, and how to press on with your head bowed low when necessary. I also learned what it takes to be strong and to pick yourself up. When she lost her husband, she raised the kids she still had at home (4 boys under 10 years of age I believe) by herself. She never asked a Man to help her, she worked hard and made a happy, loving home. She told me once that she had people flat out ask her if she would give them her two babies (both now great, gentle men, who are two of my favorite in the world). No way would she ever abandon one of her kids. Then she lost her son to illness, yet somehow survived to give the rest of us love. Lately she has been battling illness and has refused to give up living on her own, now she has to live through the most senseless thing of all, losing her son to violence. Please pray for her, she needs it.
Through it all she has been strong and has carried the rest of us forward. Now she needs us to carry her, and no one could be loved more than she is. So, I have posted a picture of her here with Madeline, Thanks for reading this long post. And most of all, thanks for your prayers.
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